
July 25, 2013

Grilled Salmon Kabobs

What You'll Need:
  • Salmon Fillets (1 filet per kabob) 
  • 2 thinly sliced lemons
  • Seasonings of your choice (I used cayenne, crushed red peppers and sesame seeds) 
  • Skewer sticks (two per kabob)
  • Olive oil
  • Cooking spray
  1. Soak the skewer sticks one full hour before cooking. It keeps the sticks from burning in the grill.
  2. Put a little bit of olive oil on each fillet, and then season.
  3. Cut each salmon fillet into 4-5 even pieces. 
  4. CAREFULLY put the salmon into the skewers, with a thin lemon slice in-between each piece of salmon. The skewer should start and end with salmon.
  5. Spray the inside of the grill with cooking spray, and then grill the salmon kabobs. 
  6. Flip every 5ish minutes until it is fully cooked, but be careful because they can fall apart easily!
One of mine fell apart when flipping, but I did my best to save it! 

Yum Yum yum! 

Here's the recipe that I mimicked :